Posted by Hanna
5:52 AM
Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles!
Yes, you heard me right! It's a single dish with a really long name. It's one hell of a special and delicious platter made by the most kick ass, bad ass, intelligent life form there is, Andrewp182! If you can't say it, you're pathetic. If you can't eat it, you're a loser. If you don't want it or even like it then you deserve to die. DIE PATHETIC LOSER.
Anyways, I just happened to memorize all 36 words. And I've been offering everyone a bite of it. My sister loves it when I say it. I can say it in a matter of 7 seconds and I'm proud. If anyone can say it faster, I'll do my best to beat it. The feeling of being the best is oh so sweet. Having this type of food touch the surface of your lips is the best thing a person could ever accomplish.
If you want a Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles, you're going to have a hard time getting one or even making one. Andrew is the only person in the universe who can concoct such a fantastic meal. It's so rare that Andrew himself has to choose a very few amount of people whose tastebuds are worthy enough to come in contact with something so divine.
Even God has to beg him to have a slice. Sadly, Andrew makes the decisions around here. If God wanted to take away Andrew's life for rejecting him, no one would be able to make a Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles and God would have to suffer for HIS sins.
You have to venture off to the States, walk barefoot through deserts, swim shark-infested waters, climb hazardous cliffs and travel around Nevada, knocking on every door and asking every person, "Where's Andrew?!". If by chance, you spot him in a sea of people, you're somewhat lucky. You have to get down on your knees, kiss his feet and beg him endlessly to make another Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles. If he rejects you, just go home. Annoy him and it will lower your very small chances even more. Worship him and he might make an exception, which is practically impossible. But if he says yes, you must be one special kid.
May Andrewp182 have mercy on your soul.
Yes, you heard me right! It's a single dish with a really long name. It's one hell of a special and delicious platter made by the most kick ass, bad ass, intelligent life form there is, Andrewp182! If you can't say it, you're pathetic. If you can't eat it, you're a loser. If you don't want it or even like it then you deserve to die. DIE PATHETIC LOSER.
Anyways, I just happened to memorize all 36 words. And I've been offering everyone a bite of it. My sister loves it when I say it. I can say it in a matter of 7 seconds and I'm proud. If anyone can say it faster, I'll do my best to beat it. The feeling of being the best is oh so sweet. Having this type of food touch the surface of your lips is the best thing a person could ever accomplish.
If you want a Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles, you're going to have a hard time getting one or even making one. Andrew is the only person in the universe who can concoct such a fantastic meal. It's so rare that Andrew himself has to choose a very few amount of people whose tastebuds are worthy enough to come in contact with something so divine.
Even God has to beg him to have a slice. Sadly, Andrew makes the decisions around here. If God wanted to take away Andrew's life for rejecting him, no one would be able to make a Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles and God would have to suffer for HIS sins.
You have to venture off to the States, walk barefoot through deserts, swim shark-infested waters, climb hazardous cliffs and travel around Nevada, knocking on every door and asking every person, "Where's Andrew?!". If by chance, you spot him in a sea of people, you're somewhat lucky. You have to get down on your knees, kiss his feet and beg him endlessly to make another Taco Bellarito Johns Supreme Swine Flu Porklet Finger Chilli Grande Beef Surprise Ranch Buffalo Organic Fried Corn Syrup Funarrito Whole Wheat Wrapper Fairly Traded Coffee Breaded Gordita Crunch Wrap Quesadilla with a side of Cinnamon Oles. If he rejects you, just go home. Annoy him and it will lower your very small chances even more. Worship him and he might make an exception, which is practically impossible. But if he says yes, you must be one special kid.
May Andrewp182 have mercy on your soul.
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