Taco-flavored Ice Cream!
It's past midnight. That means in the Philippines, it is June 12, Independence Day.
Viva La Revolucion.
Some people see life as a road with an end they must reach or a game they must play. To me, life is a vast blue sky, where the only goal is to reach the horizon. The point of my view is that there are no boundaries and that I am free to outstretch my wings and spread my happiness to those below me, knowing that I am free from the worries in life and my weary shoulders no longer need to hold the weight of the world. Freedom and independence is all I crave.
Let's continue this post with a story about my some things that happened to me today and yesterday. Yesterday was Wednesday, and every Wednesday, we have to stay at school for 10 hours because we have 4 hours of Technology and Livelihood Education every Wednesday morning, once a week. After that, regular classes start. Anyways, I left home by 8:20, 10 minutes before 8:30, the time we were supposed to be there. I planned on skipping to school merrily as I whistled a tune, picking artificial flowers growing in the cracks of each pavement and dancing what seemed to be a choreographed dance sequence with animals that jump out of nowhere and 7 creepy dwarfs. Nah, I'm kidding. :) When I got there, we had to wait for a very long time only to be informed that our teacher could not make it. I only had 6 hours of sleep and lack of sleep makes it very difficult for me to think straight. That teacher is an asshole. I could have slept for 2-4 more hours.
Let's stop there and skip to different events. It's too boring in my opinion. Yesterday some funny things happened. I was nominated by my classmate, who's name I do not know, to be president of a Science club which I never joined. I was voted by 16 of my classmates, most of which I also do not know. I lost to this nerdy guy in class (who's name I also do not know. xD) by 2 votes. I don't know if I'm popular in class because I think I'm not but I guess it's a good feeling that I am not really alone and people know that I am around. I don't hang around with any of my classmates. I eat lunch with Juniors (3rd year high school students or whatever they call it in your country.) or my friends (previous classmates).
Another funny thing that happened is that this guy who lives in the same street as my cousins came back. We used to know each other a year or two ago and he told me I was his best friend. Since I was his best friend, I considered him as one of my best friends. We held hands like how I hold all of my other best friends' hands but when he held mine, I would inflict pain on his hand. Heh. I stopped going to my cousins' street when I found out he had a crush on me. I found out that he came back when I visited a friend of mine to ask a computer-related question. I stopped going to my cousins' street again and forgot about him again. Then I started staying at my cousins' house for an hour or two after school and he was there, always trying to get my attention. He's weird. I don't like him. xP
Today, the guards closed the gates early so a lot of students were "late" including my cousins and I. We stayed at my cousins' place and did stuff. Then I fell asleep for 4 hours and went home. It was unexpected. I lack sleep. Alright then. I guess that pretty much sums up today's post. I've been having a hard time thinking lately. This post is terrible and disorganized in my opinion. I don't think it's very interesting. Blah. -_-
For those who just browse around and don't like reading tl;dr posts, here are some signatures I made for you to gaze upon. :P I'm a bit more interested in anime now and since I don't know a lot of animes, I'm starting off with Naruto. xD I have this theory that everyone undergoes a cycle wherein they like a certain thing and start to change and become interested in other certain things, in the same order as everyone else.