My Last Week

Posted by Hanna on 2:04 AM
This is my last week of summer vacation. As I type these words, I am eating up a lot of my time which I can use in other ways to enjoy my last few days of my precious summer. But expressing my thoughts is probably worth it.

I can say that I enjoyed this year's summer vacation. One of the best things I ever did this summer was spend my mornings with a friend. His name is Andrew and he rocks my technicolor socks off! I'm going to miss talking to him, and to a lot of other people from CPHQ. I can only catch them online in the mornings, which I won't be able to do when school starts. Seeing as Freshmen and Sophomores go to school in the morning session, we are sent home in the afternoon, when Junior and Senior students' classes will start. By the time I get home, most of the CPHQ members, that are Americans, would be asleep by then. And Andrew would be driving home from work.

This year is a new year. In the school I go to, not one year is the same. Students are randomized and each year, we graduate in a batch full of new individuals. People we only used to pass by in the hall ways, never noticed that existed and never cared about. This year will be different like all the others. This year, we will to experience new things, be taught by new teachers and befriend new students. It won't be the same but I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it, like every other year and like every other student before me.

I know that right now is the time I should be blowing off each day, partying harder than before and getting myself wasted. I know that right now, I'm supposed to celebrate and enjoy myself more than I did when summer just started. I don't know why I'm being sad and drowning myself in negative thoughts. I guess I'm not really a happy-go-lucky person. Perhaps I'm the princess of darkness? Nah. Princesses remind me of unicorns and rainbows. I'm not falling for that kind of shit. Oh my, I cussed again. Is there really a single post of mine wherein I didn't say a foul word? I doubt that, haha! :D

I'm going to blow my last days off, even if it kills me.


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